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How NDC is Rewriting Airline Pricing Rules 

Welcome back for the season finale of CT Chronicles Season 2. We're talking airlines. New Distribution Capability (also known as NDC) is here and shaking things up – and finally, it's good news for your bottom line.

Corporate Traveller's GM Bonnie Smith cuts through the noise around NDC (yes, that airline pricing overhaul everyone's talking about) and explains why your finance team will love it. Oh, and if that carbon footprint report is gathering dust in your inbox, or you're eyeing business opportunities in Perth, stick around.

This episode: Airline ticket prices, smart routes, and tough calls

Join our host, Rategang Moroke, in conversation with Bonnie as they tackle:

  • Airlines and NDC without the jargon: Better airline pricing is coming your way
  • That carbon report? Time to actually do something with it
  • The Perth route you've been waiting for
  • Passport dramas you really don't need (but probably have)

Season 2 Finale: The airline intel you need right now

Want to know what airlines aren't telling you about their new pricing strategy? And why that carbon report might be the most valuable document on your desk right now? After a season of great conversations, we're closing with the answers you've been looking for.

Looking to stay up to date with business travel changes that impact your travel programme? Chat with us!


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