Business travel reporting

Keep your business expenses in check with reporting that monitors your business travel spend and uncovers cost saving opportunities.


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Pull these reports and more

technology - business travel reporting high level overview
High level travel programme overview
business travel technology - reporting car hire spend
Car hire spend and supplier break down
business travel technology - reporting accommodation spend
View what you are spending on accommodation per month
technology - corporate travel reporting airfare refunds
Keep track of airfare refunds
corporate travel technology - reporting airline cabin spend
See what your company is spending per airline and cabin class a month, from international to domestic
business travel technology - reporting number of travel bookings
Understand how many travel bookings are made through the online booking tool vs your Corporate Traveller travel manager
technology - reporting advance business travel bookings
Understand how far in advance bookings are made and identify opportunities for improvement

See it for yourself!

Get in touch today to understand how business travel service reports can boost your company travel.


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